20 helpful tips when creating a direct mail marketing campaign.

20 helpful tips when creating a direct mail marketing campaign.

Direct mail can be a highly effective for large businesses with large budgets.. However over recent months I’ve noticed more and more small companies are coming back to direct mail marketing as a cost effective method of generating new sales.

Seeing this shift I’ve put together 20 hints and tips to help you when creating an effective direct mail campaign.

  1. Make sure your call to action is clear: Tell people what you want them to do, visit your website or call you for more details, make sure you give clear instructions.
  2. Make sure you target your ideal customer: You are more likely to get a better response creating a highly targeted campaign to a specific industry addressing their problems, rather than a scatter gun approach. Use a good list broker see my tips
  3. Make sure you test & measure: Try different approaches or different offers, make sure you test and monitor the successes with a small campaign then roll out on a larger scale.
  4. Make sure the copy is not too much me me me: Its great telling people how good you are but it can be too much. Try to generate interest and excitement by telling them what’s in it for them if they respond
  5. Proof read before sending: Check your spelling and grammar before sending. Keep it simple and avoid jargon
  6. Creative headline: Make sure you come up with a memorable yet relevant headline that make people what to read more.
  7. Ensure the designs is relevant: Always think about what your customers want and make sure it’s relevant think about how to grab your customer attention
  8. Try to create copy that is relevant to your audience: Know your audience and make sure you are talking their language.
  9. Tap into what motivates your customers to buy: Make sure you know what motivates your customer to buy and use this fact in your copy. i.e. Solve their problem, save them money, increase their sales etc.
  10. Be professional: You want to create a professional impression of your company to encourage people to feel confident in responding to you.
  11. Brand awareness: Make sure every direct mail piece always has your company’s logo and branding.
  12. Make sure people can open the mailing piece: Sounds crazy but true.. Its great having an elaborate envelope but if you can’t open it easily most people will just throw it away.
  13. Postage: First impressions count, make people feel important by sending 1st class. It creates a better impression.
  14. Follow up: Make sure you follow up your mailing it will help you gain more customers See my tips on Telemarketing
  15. Drive traffic to your website / blog: Follow up a direct mailing with an email to drive people to your website or blog for further tips or hints.
  16. Manage your expectations: Don’t just send out one direct mail piece and expect huge results instantly. Direct mail is one element of the marketing mix, marketing is about building awareness, creating trust and that may take more than one communication.
  17. Plan your campaigns over the year: Have a plan in place so your direct mail fits in with your other marketing activity. Don’t just creating a direct mailing campaign as a knee jerk reaction to falling sales. Marketing is a constant activity.
  18. Timing: Make sure the timing of your direct mailing is in line with your clients buying habits. No point sending a Christmas offer in January.
  19. Don’t over promise and under deliver: Keep your promises.
  20. Review what mailing you receive: Keep a folder of mailing pieces you receive to help you see which aspect of the piece you like and what you don’t. Use this as a guide when creating your own campaign.

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